These Covidian Times
Reflections Retrospective: 2008-2010 Moving to Williamsburg and Rebuilding
Posted by Diane Sullivan on

You might remember 2008 as the year of the world financial crisis, for me it was a year of huge transition. Ralph and I split in the spring; our paths had diverged, and we no longer wanted the same things from life. I decided to return to Ontario, where I hadn’t lived for almost 20 years. This was a difficult year for most of North America, for me, despite my personal upheaval there was a huge silver lining. In early December in Calgary I had a huge blow out sale of all of my work, seconds and firsts. I was...
Reflections Retrospective 2006-7: First Sculptures
Posted by Diane Sullivan on
Reflections Retrospective: 1998-2006 Building a Career
Posted by Diane Sullivan on
Reflections Retrospective 1996-98: Creating Arabesque Pottery
Posted by Diane Sullivan on
Reflections Retrospective 1994-6
Posted by Diane Sullivan on

Having left Seattle, my friend dropped me in Calgary with my pottery and not much else but a tray full of slides of my work and some published critical writings on the role of decoration in ceramics. I still had 6 weeks before the Banff residency was to begin so I got on a Greyhound bus with an "anywhere in Canada" deal (have you figured out yet that at age 33 I still had neither a drivers' licence or a car in my life, I was education-poor for most of my adult life to this point) and travelled back to...